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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:28 发布时间:2017-3-28


1. 颗粒细小表面积巨大

    蒙脱石是一种硅铝酸盐复合物,具有颗粒型层纹状结构,每层由四面体氧化硅、八面体氧化铝和四面体氧化硅三层构成,每层厚度仅1nm。由于蒙托石颗粒细小,所以表面积巨大,每克粉剂可覆盖100~110 m2消化道表面,显著提高消化道黏液的质和量,加强黏膜屏障的作用,帮助消化道上皮细胞的恢复与再生。

2. 不均匀带电性


3. 黏塑性



























The English version

The mechanism of montmorillonite antidiarrheal

1. The particles small surface area

Montmorillonite is a kind of silicon aluminate compound, with granular layer type grain structure, each layer of the tetrahedral silicon oxide, octahedral alumina and tetrahedral silicon oxide of three layers, each layer thickness of only 1 nm. Because montolivo stone particles small, large surface area, per gram of powder covering 100 ~ 110 m2 surface of the digestive tract, significantly increase the quality and quantity of the digestive tract mucous, strengthen the role of mucous membrane barrier, help recovery and regeneration of epithelial cells of the digestive tract.

2. Uneven charge

Montolivo stone of Al3 + was replaced by the Ca2 + and magnesium 2 +, charge distribution is not uniform, negatively charged in the basic layer, layer between the positively charged, makes montolivo stone has strong electrostatic adsorption capacity. Fixed adsorption inhibition produced by a variety of viruses, bacteria and toxins, balance the normal flora, enhance immunity of the digestive tract.

3. The sticky plastic

Montmorillonite between the basic layer and basic layer can slide open, stretch in the digestive tract, not messy separation between layer and layer, forming a continuous protective film.

Montmorillonite antidiarrheal basic research

1 rotavirus: France for an animal studies have shown that montmorillonite can protect mucosal villi from rotavirus, montmorillonite group basic maintain normal intestinal mucosa form.

E. coli 2: rabbit ileum after infected with e. coli, taking montmorillonite can relieve mucosa damage, reconstruction of water and electrolyte absorption, promote hair returned to normal form. ,

3 jejunum campylobacter: jejunum campylobacter can colonize the gut, not only can also enter the blood circulation, in other parts of the body engraftment. Using montmorillonite, did not see the digestive tract mucosa damage, also in other parts of undisplaced bacteria, the side that montmorillonite can promote the small intestinal mucosa epithelial cells regeneration and repair damaged, has obvious protective effect on intestinal mucosa barrier.

4.Burns: not taking montmorillonite rats, 12 hours after injury segment under the small intestinal mucosa, vascular mild hyperemia, serious ulcers have a stove intestinal epithelium even fall off a flake, intestinal wall edema and involvement between muscle ganglion cells, 1, 3 days after injury. And montmorillonite treatment group rats, injury after each phase of intestinal epithelial shedding to a lesser degree, fluffy form complete and neat rows and intestinal epithelial regeneration ability is stronger.

The clinical research of montmorillonite

Shorten the duration of diarrhea: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that children with acute diarrhea after application of montmorillonite, the average duration of diarrhea (54.1 + 2.35) hours shortened, with the placebo group] [(72.9 + 1.98) hours compared with significant difference (P = 0.001). 24 hours after treatment, the montmorillonite group the percentage of patients in persistent diarrhea significantly lower than that of the placebo group. Prompt montmorillonite reduce the time of the parents to take care of the children and children with length of hospital stay, reduce medical expenditure. Another in 804 cases of children with Italian study also showed that montmorillonite effectively shorten the duration of diarrhea, the treatment group significantly reduced diarrhea lasts more than 7 days.

2 reduce stool frequency: montmorillonite in shortening the duration of diarrhea and at the same time, reduce the daily stool frequency. , according to a meta-analysis of montmorillonite group defecation frequency during any period of time are significantly less than the placebo group. Three days after treatment, diarrhea obviously improve the cure rate.

3 change shit character: curative effect observation of natural montmorillonite powder in China cooperation in adult patients with chronic diarrhea multicenter, randomized, positive drug control study showed that montmorillonite defecate number and character changes in patients with chronic functional diarrhea were superior to the colon triple viable capsules. Treatment between Japan and China, montmorillonite defecate frequency was significantly less than the placebo group, Bristol stool trait score is montmorillonite is better than a placebo group (P = 0.001).

Montmorillonite preparation

Montmorillonite preparation so far have diarrhoea kind of non-prescription drugs, are now common montmorillonite preparation has limai, smecta, will, Kent, etc. It is different from compound phenylethyl piperidine, loperamide (easy to be stopped), and other intestinal peristalsis inhibitors and tannic acid protein, bismuth carbonate, such as medicinal carbon adsorbent of convergence. Intestinal peristalsis inhibitors can delay the discharge of the intestinal contents, make the pathogenic microbes with prolonged contact bowel mucosa, multiply the absorption of toxic products, can make an illness aggravating. Convergence adsorbent adsorption in the intestines of nutrients, therefore, not recommended to use in pediatrics. Montmorillonite does not change its normal bowel movements, does not affect the normal digestion and absorption of food, also does not affect the absorption of glucose and amino acids, is considered to be a safe and efficient drug diarrhea.

Montmorillonite on the pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, such as pathogenic e. coli and s. aureus bacteria, vibrio cholerae, helicobacter pylori, jejunum bending bacteria and other pathogenic bacteria, viruses, particularly rotavirus, and their toxins, such as gas produced strong adsorption, fixed, inhibition, lose its pathogenicity. Experiments show that the oral drug, the drug can cover evenly throughout the surface of the lumen, and maintain the 6 hours, then along with its various attacks factors of adsorption with bowel movements eduction body outside, thereby avoiding intestinal mucosa cells were attack damage factor. Montmorillonite can also through the mutual combination of mucous glycoprotein, increasing the cohesion of mucus gel, viscoelastic and existence of time, so as to repair and improve the defence function of intestinal mucosa barrier attacks on various factors, also have the effect that reduce colon excessive sensitivity. In addition, the montmorillonite also can promote the damage of digestive tract mucosal epithelial regeneration, repair the damage of intercellular Bridges, prompting cells closely connected; Reduce the ataxia intestinal cells, to restore the normal rhythm of intestinal peristalsis, transmission and maintenance of intestinal absorption function; Ease children caused by intestinal disaccharidase lower or the lack of the permeability of glycolipids indigestion and cause diarrhea; Balance the intestinal normal flora, enhance immunity of the digestive tract. Thus can be used for the treatment of various acute and chronic diarrhea, especially for children with acute diarrhea curative effect is better. In addition to the diarrhea, montmorillonite preparation can also be used for the treatment of diseases:

Montmorillonite can obviously increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, broad-spectrum antibiotics for a long time, causing intestinal dysbacteriosis and the intestinal microecological disorder because of the indigestion and diarrhea caused by a significant therapeutic effect.

Montmorillonite can also be used for gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis, related to the stomach, duodenal, colon and the treatment of pain.

Herpetic stomatitis is caused by herpes simplex virus of acute infection of the oral mucosa, there is no specific treatment. Montmorillonite on various pathogenic factors were fixed on the surface of the oral mucosa and inhibition, and can strengthen the mucous membrane barrier function, promote the damaged mucosa epithelial cells regeneration and repair. The method is: use montmorillonite powder to apply to the affected area, after eating 3 times a day, 2 ~ 7 days for a course of treatment.

Montmorillonite can be activated clotting factors, local bleeding hemostatic effects on the digestive tract; Also can strengthen the digestive tract mucous membrane barrier function, help gastrointestinal epithelial tissue regeneration repair; At the same time can be fixed, adsorption and removal of h. pylori.

Montmorillonite powder can also use

Montmorillonite powder is a kind of digestive tract mucosal protective agent, has strong adsorption ability, the clinical commonly used in the treatment of infantile diarrhea. Actually, montmorillonite powder on the treatment of pediatric diseases also USES a lot of, understanding these USES will help expand the use of the montmorillonite powder, and provide a new therapy for more pediatric diseases.

(1) in treatment of neonatal breast milk jaundice: as the mother's milk contains high levels of - glucuronic acid glycosides enzyme, the enzyme in the gut can be decomposed in combination with bilirubin, adding bilirubin enterohepatic circulation, make easily bowel dysfunction of premature and low birthweight babies after breast-feeding jaundice, called breast milk jaundice. Montmorillonite powder can reduce the absorption of bilirubin, promote the intestinal excretion bilirubin, and montmorillonite powder in treatment of breast milk jaundice effectively, with 1/3 ~ 1/2 bag every time, 3 times a day, 7 days for a period of treatment.

2. Baby lactose intolerance syndrome: treatment due to individual baby lactase deficiency, caused the baby after breast intolerance, children have symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, indigestion. Montmorillonite powder can improve the symptoms of children, promote the recovery of lactose tolerance, recommended for babies one of the first selection medicaments of lactose intolerance syndrome. Can also be associated with lactasinum biofermin, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, can enhance curative effect, promote the further improvement. A laparoscope, usually connected to a usage for each 1/3 package, 7 ~ 10 days.

3. The treatment of neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage: for all kinds of causes of neonatal gastrointestinal bleeding, and at the same time of actively treating the primary disease, giving montmorillonite powder has certain hemostatic effect. Report points out, given montmorillonite powder within 3 days after hemostatic effect can reach 95% ~ 100%. Usage is fold 1/3 of montmorillonite powder plus saline 2 ~ 3 ml tune into a paste, 3 times daily feed a newborn, even served three days.

4. The treatment of children with recurrent abdominal pain, intestinal smooth muscle is cold, feed, or excitant food stimulation of cramps can occur, causing children appear repeatedly paroxysmal abdominal pain, belong to one of the types of children with recurrent abdominal pain. The abdominal pain as a physical pain, see more at 6 ~ 12 years old children, given montmorillonite powder treatment can reduce the number of onset of abdominal pain. Treatment principle is to strengthen diet in the warm, and warm abdomen, on the basis of given montmorillonite powder 1 package oral every time, 3 times a day, stay 5 ~ 7 days.

5. Treatment of infants and young children chronic protracted diarrhea: infants and young children caused pediatric chronic diarrhea is found to be one of the leading causes of malnutrition, the growth and development. For infants and young children caused by chronic protracted diarrhea, infection factors in the application of antibiotics at the same time give montmorillonite powder oral, in order to reduce the intestinal secretion, protect intestinal mucosa, promote the diarrhea. Poor oral effect, still can consider to montmorillonite powder and gentamycin combined enema to medicine, the effect is better.

6. Treatment of infantile enteritis mould: frail and long-term use of antibiotics in children with intestinal flora imbalance, makes mold infested, that cause mould enteritis. Clinical characterized by severe diarrhea, several times a day to more than 10 times, rendering, yellow-green stool watery mucus, serious when can discharge blood stool, pediatric illnesses out mould enteritis, children are usually accompanied by low thermal, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde visible mold spores. Given anti-fungal drugs in parallel with montmorillonite powder, curative effect is reliable, efficient of more than 95%. Usage: within one year of age to give a third package, given half a pack 1 ~ 4 years old, 5 years of age or older to give 1 package, oral three times a day, even served 7 days or so.

7. Treatment of pediatric stomatitis: pediatric stomatitis and oral ulcer are available outside the montmorillonite powder paste on affected area, 3 times a day. Topical montmorillonite powder apply to cure stomatitis and oral ulcer, it has obvious analgesic effect, and can promote oral inflammation and ulcer recovery speed, good effect, can be applied as a conventional drugs.

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